Frequently asked questions
If you need help, we have a list of frequently asked questions and answers.
What is an ESL Speaking Tutor?
An ESL Speaking tutor is one who conducts online classes to ESL learners via phone or video conference.
What is an ESL Writing Tutor?
An ESL Writing tutor is someone who evaluates online submissions by ESL learners. They are mostly essays and recorded responses. It is basically a proofreading job in essence.
Do you accept undergraduates and applicants with no online ESL teaching background?
For the office-based positions, the candidate must be at least a four-year college degree holder. For the home-based posts, on the other hand, candidates who have at least finished or completed second year in college are accepted.The candidate’s online ESL teaching experience as a qualification depends on the requirements of the account that has manpower need/s.
Do you accept walk in applicants?
Yes, walk in candidates are accommodated. They are advised to visit CDP office, Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Where is your office located?
CDP office is located at the 15th Floor of 2251 Wilcon IT Hub Building, Chino Roces Avenue, Makati City. It is a few steps away from MRT Magallanes Station and San Lorenzo Place Mall/Condominium.
Is there an age limit for applicants?
There is no age limit for the candidates. However, he/she must be at least 18 years of age, the minimum age requirement under the Philippine Labor Law.
What are the nationalities and levels of the learners?
Depending on the account, the levels of learners range from beginners to advanced learners. CDP currently caters to Korean, Chinese, and Japanese students.
What is the standard recruitment process?
Interested applicants may initially send their application to After assessing their resume, they will then be contacted by one of the recruitment staff to invite them to CDP office for the interview and examination. After passing, they will be endorsed to attend training in the office. If they make it through the training, that is the time they are finally endorsed to operations or deployed working at home as home-based tutors.
Are you open to part-timers?
The part-time post is currently offered to office-based tutors only and just exclusive in some accounts. All home-based posts are full-time.
Do you have online training?
There is no online training at the moment. The presence of candidates in CDP office is required for their application process and training. This is applicable for both office-based and home-based applicants.